Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway's $174B Apple Investment

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway's $174B Apple Investment

Vincent Lévesque
2 min read

Berkshire Hathaway's $174 Billion Investment in Apple Reflects Confidence in Tech Giant's Market Appeal

The investment firm Berkshire Hathaway, led by Warren Buffett, holds a 6% stake in Apple, valued at $174 billion, making it their largest public stock holding. This substantial investment underscores Buffett's belief in Apple's consumer appeal, strong customer loyalty, and robust capital return strategy.

Key Takeaways

  • Berkshire Hathaway owns 6% of Apple, valued at $174 billion, marking it as Buffett's largest public stock holding.
  • Apple's resilience and commitment to shareholder value evident in its $110 billion stock buyback plan and the growth of its services business.
  • Despite challenges such as regulatory scrutiny and a 10% decline in iPhone sales, Apple's ecosystem is likely to provide protection and ensure continued profitability.
  • Buffett's investment reflects confidence in Apple's appeal to consumers and its ability to generate shareholder value.
  • While iPhone sales have declined, the growth of Apple's ecosystem and services business remain pivotal in sustaining profitability.


Buffett's substantial investment in Apple, totaling $174 billion, underscores the enduring appeal and value generation of the tech giant. Despite facing regulatory hurdles and a decline in iPhone sales, Apple's strategic services-oriented approach and stock buyback plan exhibit resilience. The short-term impact may influence Apple's stock price and investor sentiment, with potential long-term effects related to regulatory fines and Chinese market competition.

Organizations holding shares in Apple, such as Berkshire Hathaway, may experience gains or losses depending on market fluctuations. Profound economic consequences could also arise in countries with significant Apple operations if the company's growth experiences slowdown. Importantly, Buffett's investment signals a broader trend of technology firms gaining increased importance in investment portfolios.

Did You Know?

  • Berkshire Hathaway's 6% ownership of Apple: Warren Buffett's multinational conglomerate, Berkshire Hathaway, possesses a substantial stake in Apple, accounting for approximately 6% of the tech giant's shares and valued at around $174 billion as of October 2021, making it Buffett's largest public stock holding.
  • Apple's $110 billion stock buyback plan: This plan, indicating Apple's robust commitment to generating shareholder value and enhancing its capital return strategy, can potentially lead to an increased stock price and improved earnings per share, thus benefitting shareholders.
  • Apple's regulatory challenges and competition in China: Despite facing regulatory scrutiny and formidable competition in China, Apple's integrated hardware, software, and services ecosystem has fostered strong customer loyalty, positioning the company for continued success amidst regulatory and competitive pressures.

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