EV Startup Fisker Faces $13M Lawsuit from Engineering Firm

EV Startup Fisker Faces $13M Lawsuit from Engineering Firm

Elena Santos
1 min read

Fisker Faces $13 Million Lawsuit Over Unpaid Development Services

Fisker, a prominent EV startup, is currently embroiled in a legal battle with Bertrandt AG, an engineering firm, over unpaid development services for the Pear and Alaska EV prototypes. The lawsuit, seeking $13 million in damages, highlights Fisker's financial struggles and potential reputation damage.

Key Takeaways

  • Fisker is facing a lawsuit from engineering firm Bertrandt AG, which claims Fisker stopped paying for development services on two prototypes and is withholding IP.
  • Bertrandt is seeking $13 million in damages, citing breach of contract and unjust enrichment.
  • Fisker is also contending with at least 30 lemon law violation lawsuits, several of which have been settled, and a proposed class action suit from a former director over unpaid wages.
  • A textile supplier has also sued Fisker for over $1 million in unpaid invoices.
  • The engineering lawsuit suggests financial troubles within Fisker, despite CEO Henrik Fisker's public claims of mainstream success.


The multiple lawsuits against Fisker, including the $13 million claim by Bertrandt for unpaid services on EV prototypes, indicate possible cash flow issues and potential impact on the company's reputation. It could hamper its ability to secure future funding, jeopardize potential sales and partnerships, and disappoint EV enthusiasts, ultimately posing a setback for the EV industry.

Did You Know?

  • Breach of contract: Bertrandt alleges that Fisker breached its contract by failing to pay for development services and withholding intellectual property, potentially leading to the obligation of paying damages.
  • Unjust enrichment: Bertrandt accuses Fisker of being unjustly enriched by not paying for development services received, invoking the legal doctrine to recover benefits.
  • Lemon law violation: Fisker facing 30 lemon law violation lawsuits suggests issues with defective products or lack of compliance with consumer protection laws.

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