dWallet Network and Monad Partner to Revolutionize DeFi Sector

dWallet Network and Monad Partner to Revolutionize DeFi Sector

Dmitri Ivanov
2 min read

New Partnership in DeFi Sector Empowers Multi-Chain Capabilities

A groundbreaking collaboration has been announced in the DeFi sector, with dWallet Network and Monad teaming up to introduce native multi-chain capabilities to Monad's platform. The integration, driven by dWallet's 2PC-MPC protocol, paves the way for developers to create multi-chain DeFi applications with heightened privacy and security. This partnership not only facilitates DeFi development but also expands dWallet's influence within the EVM ecosystem, fostering improved interaction between different DeFi protocols. The joint effort represents a significant stride towards establishing an interconnected DeFi landscape, thereby setting new benchmarks for developers and users alike.

Key Takeaways

  • dWallet Network and Monad have formed a partnership to enable native multi-chain capabilities within Monad's platform, empowering developers to construct multi-chain DeFi applications.
  • The collaboration incorporates dWallet's 2PC-MPC protocol, delivering a decentralized approach to signing transactions and elevating levels of privacy and security.
  • This alliance fortifies Monad's position within the EVM ecosystem and establishes enhanced connectivity within the DeFi sector, leading to improved interaction between different DeFi protocols.
  • The objective of the partnership is to enhance the reliability and accessibility of DeFi by encouraging the development of more infrastructure and protocols.
  • The co-founders of both dWallet and Monad have expressed their enthusiasm for the integration, emphasizing its potential to introduce innovative applications to the DeFi space.


The collaboration between dWallet Network and Monad serves to enhance DeFi development by introducing native multi-chain capabilities and augmenting privacy and security measures. The incorporation of dWallet's 2PC-MPC protocol will expand dWallet's presence within the EVM ecosystem and promote enhanced interaction between various DeFi protocols. This holds the potential to yield more dependable and accessible DeFi infrastructure, potentially attracting additional investments and sparking growth within the sector. Over time, this partnership may set new standards for DeFi development and stimulate further innovation. Entities such as Consensys, Chainalysis, and crypto-focused VC firms stand to gain from this development, while countries with a robust DeFi presence, such as the US and Switzerland, could witness increased activity within the sector.

Did You Know?

  • DeFi (Decentralized Finance): Encompasses financial services and applications built on blockchain technology, particularly on decentralized networks like Ethereum. DeFi endeavors to eliminate intermediaries in financial transactions, offering users greater autonomy, security, and transparency.

  • 2PC-MPC (Two-Party Computation - Multi-Party Computation) protocol: A cryptographic method that enables two or more parties to conduct computations on private data without disclosing the data itself. In the context of this article, dWallet Network's 2PC-MPC protocol facilitates decentralized signing of transactions, enriching privacy and security in DeFi applications.

  • EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) ecosystem: Comprises projects and platforms developed on the Ethereum blockchain or compatible with Ethereum's technology. Monad, as part of the EVM ecosystem, stands to benefit from this partnership by extending its reach and fostering enhanced interaction between DeFi protocols, leading to a more interconnected DeFi landscape.

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